Cha Cult® Specialist retailer

Are you looking for Cha Cult®? Find a specialist retailer near you or order our products from selected online retailers.



Dear Cha Cult® potential buyer,

if you have general questions about the Cha Cult® range, please contact us using the following contact details. Below in partner entries, you will find all shops near you that sell Cha Cult® products.

Phone: +49 (040) 70 29 69 77
Fax: -49 (040) 73 10 73 - 20

For Distributors:

- Are you interested in Cha Cult®?
- Are you having a specialised shop?

Please contact our exclusive sales partner, the Dethlefsen & Balk GmbH. The colleagues are deligthed about your first contact.

Our Partner

As producer and wholesaler we only supply distributors.

Here you can find a small selection of our clients and service provider.  

If you also belong to our partner of Cha Cult® and wish to appear here, please do not hesitate to contact us.