Cha Cult Fachhändler

Sie sind auf der Suche nach Cha Cult? Finden Sie einen Fachhändler in Ihrer Nähe oder bestellen Sie unsere Produkte bei ausgewählten Online-Händlern.

Dear ChaCult potential buyer,

if you have general questions about the Cha Cult range, please contact us using the following contact details. Below in partner entries, you will find all shops near you that sell ChaCult products.

Telephone: +49 (040) 70 29 69 77
Telefax: -49 (040) 73 10 73 - 20

For Distributors:

- Are you interested in ChaCult?
- Are you having a specialised shop?

Please contact our exclusive sales partner, the Dethlefsen & Balk GmbH. The colleagues are deligthed about your first contact.

Our Partner

As producer and wholesaler we only supply distributors.

Here you can find a small selection of our clients and service provider.  

If you also belong to our partner of Cha Cult and wish to appear here, please do not hesitate to contact us.