Your favourite tea, anywhere you want it. These practical teabags are made of very fine PP material, which is almost transparent or just use a tea strainer which is also very convenient.
Filtre à thé japonais individuel
À tout moment et en tout lieu, savourez votre thé préféré : C'est possible grâce à ces filtres à the pratiques en polypropylène non tissé. Il suffit de remplir votre thé préféré, de le rabattre, de l'utiliser comme une infusette et le tour est joué ! Sa taille est telle que le sachet de thé peut être utilisé aussi bien pour une tasse que pour une théière.
Un paquet contient 64 filtres à thé.
This high-quality stainless steel strainer is the perfect choice for uncomplicated tea preparation! Simply pour your favourite tea into the strainer and hang it in a mug or teapot. If you like, use the practical tray as a lid to prevent the tea from cooling down. At the end of the brewing time, remove the strainer, allow it to drain and place it conveniently on the tray. That's it! The generous filling volume of the filter gives the tea enough space to develop its aroma in the water during the brewing process. The fine mesh fabric also ensures even circulation of the liquid and has particularly fine pores so that the tea grounds remain in the filter. Even very fine tea blends such as rooibos tea can be prepared with this filter without any problems. The first-class workmanship gives this beautiful ChaCult® filter an exclusive quality, which is characterized by a very solid construction of the item as well as great attention to detail.
The stainless steel filter in size XS is particularly suitable for tea-for-one sets.
The long handle makes this practical stainless steel filter an absolute all-rounder. And thus it is particularly easy to use the item with a large variety of common teapots, mugs and cups. Simply place the hanging tab and handle on the rim of the pot or mug and off you go! Pour your favourite tea into the filter opening, brew it with water and you're done. Modern laser technology gives the filter an extremely fine perforation so that the aroma of the tea can develop wonderfully without tea leaves getting into the pot or cup. After the desired brewing time, the filter with the hot tea leaves can be removed particularly easily, as the long handle protects against heat. This item with its sophisticated and high-quality product design is therefore the perfect companion for a convenient tea preparation every day!
Filtre bec verseur, pour ceux qui infusent directement leur thé dans la théière et ne le retirent pas. Il retient les particules de thé et fait office de stop goutte, il se place dans l'ouverture du bec verseur.
L'acier inoxydable est un matériau de haute qualité, qui ne rouille pas et qui est facile à nettoyer. Le bambou est une matière première naturelle et rapidement renouvelable.
L'acier inoxydable est un matériau de haute qualité, qui ne rouille pas et qui est facile à nettoyer.
L'acier inoxydable est un matériau de haute qualité, qui ne rouille pas et qui est facile à nettoyer.
L'acier inoxydable est un matériau de haute qualité, qui ne rouille pas et qui est facile à nettoyer.
L'acier inoxydable est un matériau de haute qualité, qui ne rouille pas et qui est facile à nettoyer.
L'acier inoxydable est un matériau de haute qualité, qui ne rouille pas et qui est facile à nettoyer.
L'acier inoxydable est un matériau de haute qualité, qui ne rouille pas et qui est facile à nettoyer.
L'acier inoxydable est un matériau de haute qualité, qui ne rouille pas et qui est facile à nettoyer.
L'acier inoxydable est un matériau de haute qualité, qui ne rouille pas et qui est facile à nettoyer.
Grand, plus grand, encore plus grand ! Cette boule à thé géante est idéale pour faire infuser jusqu'à environ 15 litres de thé noir. Le vin chaud peut également être préparé de manière optimale avec ce filtre. Grâce au bouchon à vis pratique, la boule à thé est facile à ouvrir et à remplir ou à nettoyer. La chaîne à mailles permet une utilisation facile pendant le processus d'infusion.
L'acier inoxydable est un matériau de haute qualité, qui ne rouille pas et qui est facile à nettoyer.
L'acier inoxydable est un matériau de haute qualité, qui ne rouille pas et qui est facile à nettoyer.
Dans ce set, chaque pièce est unique. Vous recevrez douze boules à thé en acier inoxydable de la qualité premium Cha Cult. Les douze breloques en plastique de différentes formes de théières sont peintes à la main et donc uniques.
Chaque boule à thé est présentée dans un joli emballage cadeau Cha Cult.
Ohé matelot ! Qu'il s'agisse d'un vent du nord rugissant ou d'une houle écumante, les deux enfants de la côte "Jore & Ville" bravent chaque tempête déchaînée. Pour eux, il s'agit donc de maintenir le cap et d'attendre que la mer se calme. Et rapidement, le vent fort se transforme en une légère brise salée, le soleil radieux apparaît à l'horizon et le phoque "Jore" s'installe confortablement sur un banc de sable, tandis que la mouette "Ville" se cherche une place confortable sur un pilotis dans son port d'attache. La boule à thé en acier inoxydable de haute qualité a un diamètre d'environ 5 cm.
Il est idéal pour préparer une tasse de thé et s'ouvre et se remplit facilement grâce à une fermeture à clip . Le pendentif exclusif en bois est décoré avec amour de fines gravures qui lui donnent un aspect enchanteur. Que ce soit par mauvais temps à bord ou au mouillage à la maison, cette boule à thé est le compagnon idéal pour des moments de thé agréables. Elle constitue également un joli complément à votre assortiment en tant que cadeau ou article à emporter.
Vous recevrez chaque boule à thé dans un joli emballage cadeau Cha Cult en carton recyclable.
The cute owl Rosalie is melting hearts with her big, round eyes! And also the small feet and fine beak make it darling to look at this lovely, feathered forest dweller. The owl has always been considered a symbol of wisdom and prudence and still arouses great fascination and excitement in many people today. The stainless steel tea-ball has a diameter of approx. 5 cm. It is ideally suited for the infusion of one cup of tea and is particularly easy to open by its small swing stopper. The high-quality wooden hanger is lovingly decorated and thus underlines the exclusive character of this tea infuser. As a gift or take-away item in the checkout area, a beautiful addition to any assortment.
You will receive each tea-ball in an attractive Cha Cult gift box made of recyclable cardboard.
The bear stands for strength and cosiness. Attributes you also associate with tea: strengthening and calming. The stainless steel tea-ball has a diameter of approx. 5 cm. It is ideally suited for the infusion of one cup of tea and is particularly easy to open by its small swing stopper. A gift- or take away item for the counter area which is a beautiful addition to each assortment.
You receive this tea-ball in an attractive Cha Cult gift box made from recyclable cardboard.
What could be better than reading a good book while enjoying a warm cup of tea? This cute and well-designed polyresine charm takes up this mood and is a delight for all cat lovers. The stainless steel tea-ball has a diameter of approx. 5 cm. It is ideally suited for the infusion of one cup of tea and is particulary easy to open by its small swing stopper. A gift- or take away item for the counter area which is a beautiful addition to each assortment.
You receive this tea-ball in an attractive Cha Cult gift box made from recyclable cardboard.
Simply magical! Our cute cat "Kohana" is not only beautiful, but also extremely special. Because the pure white fur colour and bright blue eyes are extremely rare. And that's why this charming polyresine hanger in the shape of a cat will make every heart melt. The cute bandana is another adorable detail that gives the little kitten character. The stainless steel tea-ball has a diameter of approx. 5 cm. It is ideally suited for the infusion of one cup of tea and is particularly easy to open by its small swing stopper. A gift- or take away item for the counter area which is a beautiful addition to each assortment.
You receive this tea-ball in an attractive Cha Cult gift box made from recyclable cardboard.
Le petit chat noir aux détails dorés constitue l'élément central de la série à succès Cha Cult "Filou". Celle-ci fait partie de nos best-sellers depuis plus de 15 ans déjà et est devenue un classique qui ne devrait manquer dans aucun assortiment. L'adorable breloque en polyrésine représente ce design phare et fait le bonheur de tous les amoureux des chats. La boule à thé en acier inoxydable de haute qualité a un diamètre d'environ 5 cm. Elle est idéale pour préparer une tasse de thé et s'ouvre et se remplit facilement grâce à une petite fermeture à clip. Comme cadeau ou article à emporter, c'est un joli complément pour chaque assortiment.
Vous recevrez chaque boule à thé dans un joli emballage cadeau Cha Cult en carton recyclable.
Simply mouth-watering! These beautiful polyresin hangers in the shape of the popular French pastry look confusingly real. Delicious! Macarons come in different varieties, the best-known consisting of two brightly coloured almond baiser halves with a creamy ganache or buttercream filling. Whether pistachio, vanilla, cassis or chocolate-orange, the range of flavours is almost endless. And so it is no wonder that elaborately decorated macarons were already served by master pastry chefs at royal courts, balls and festivities as early as the 16th century. The stainless steel tea-ball has a diameter of approx. 5 cm. It is ideally suited for the infusion of one cup of tea and is particularly easy to open by its small swing stopper. A gift- or take away item for the counter area which is a beautiful addition to each assortment.
You receive this tea-ball in an attractive Cha Cult gift box made from recyclable cardboard.
Welcome to the jungle! Green, greener, the greenest - that's how it looks in many living rooms at the moment, thanks to the urban jungle trend. Whether monstera, bird of paradise plant or golden cane palm, more is more! And so the trendy style can now also be seen on wallpaper, in fashion or as tableware. And this is where this beautiful tea infuser comes into play. It shows the leaf of a monster deliciosa. This popular tropical plant from the rainforests of Central and South America impresses with its unusually perforated leafs and lush, juicy green colour. The stainless steel tea-ball has a diameter of approx. 5 cm. It is ideally suited for the infusion of one cup of tea and is particularly easy to open by its small swing stopper. A gift- or take away item for the counter area which is a beautiful addition to each assortment.
You receive this tea-ball in an attractive Cha Cult gift box made from recyclable cardboard.
The beautiful polyresin lavender hanger of this exclusive Cha Cult item takes us to the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and reminds us of pleasant and comfortably warm summer days. The tea ball made of high-quality stainless steel has a diameter of approx. 5 cm. It is ideal for preparing one cup of tea and can easily be opened by a small clip-lock. As a gift or takeaway item in the checkout area, it is a nice addition to every assortment.
You receive this tea-ball in an attractive Cha Cult gift box made from recyclable cardboard.
Cute, fluffy and heartwarming! The sheep as one of the first working animal is a faithful companion of man. It is patient and considered a symbol of life in many regions of the world. The stainless steel tea-ball has a diameter of approx. 5 cm. It is ideally suited for the infusion of one cup of tea and is easy to open by its small swing stopper. A gift- or take away item for the counter area which is a beautiful addition to each assortment.
You receive this tea-ball in an attractive Cha Cult gift box made from recyclable cardboard.
NaMEOWste und MeOhm! Whether it's cobra or downward-facing dog, these two agile house tigers are just feeling pretty good. And one thing is clear: yoga is not only absolutely on trend, it is also beneficial for body, mind and soul. The philosophical teaching, which originated in India, is used for self-awareness and includes various mental and physical exercises and practices. Some meditative yoga schools focus on mental concentration, others on asceticism or breathing exercises. The unifying element here is always the approach of bringing body, soul and consciousness into harmony. And here we also see a beautiful connection to the cat. It comforts the soul, is a friend and good companion, gives strength, calms with its purring and warms the belly and hands. In a nutshell: with the preparation of your favourite tea in this unique tea-ball nothing can stand in the way of a good start to the day. The fine filter has a diameter of approx. 5 cm and is particularly easy to open by its small swing stopper. A gift- or take away item for the counter area which is a beautiful addition to each assortment.
You receive this tea-ball in an attractive Cha Cult gift box made from recyclable cardboard.
Le bambou est une matière première naturelle et rapidement renouvelable.
L'acier inoxydable est un matériau de haute qualité, qui ne rouille pas et qui est facile à nettoyer.
Wow Meow! This charming product idea is an enormous fun for all cat lovers. The finely lasered stainless steel strainer with its cute cat-design decoration is manufactured in a high quality and designed with much love to detail. The wide rim of the filter makes it possible to use this item on most cups and mugs.
You receive this strainer in an attractive Cha Cult gift box.
Le coton utilisé pour ces filtres est issu de l'agriculture biologique contrôlée. Cela signifie qu'aucun pesticide ou coton génétiquement modifié n'est utilisé. L'environnement est ainsi préservé.
This high-quality stainless steel strainer is the perfect choice for uncomplicated tea preparation! Simply pour your favourite tea into the strainer and hang it in a mug or teapot. If you like, use the practical tray as a lid to prevent the tea from cooling down. At the end of the brewing time, remove the strainer, allow it to drain and place it conveniently on the tray. That's it! The generous filling volume of the filter gives the tea enough space to develop its aroma in the water during the brewing process. The fine mesh fabric also ensures even circulation of the liquid and has particularly fine pores so that the tea grounds remain in the filter. Even very fine tea blends such as rooibos tea can be prepared with this filter without any problems. The first-class workmanship gives this beautiful ChaCult® filter an exclusive quality, which is characterized by a very solid construction of the item as well as great attention to detail. A special highlight are the two stainless steel handles which ensure that the filter sits securely on the rim of the cup or teapot and does not slip off.
The stainless steel filter in size XS is particularly suitable for tea-for-one sets.
The deep blue of this unique polyresin hanger in combination with the fine graphic-decor-elements reminds of a dark Scandinavian winter night, where the eye sees nothing, but the smell of roasted almonds, marzipan and mulled wine reveals that the next Christmas market is just around the corner. There, everyone's heart warms up and laughter breaks through the wintry silence. The stainless steel filter has a diameter of approx. 5 cm. It is ideally suited for the infusion of one cup of tea and is particularly easy to open by its small swing stopper. A gift- or take away item for the counter area which is a beautiful addition to each assortment, especially in the wintertime.
You receive each tea-ball in an attractive Cha Cult gift box made from recyclable cardboard.
This Christmas tea ball spreads pure winter joy! The lovely polyresin hanger shows a cute snowman as drawn in your favorite picture book. With the cuddly warm woolen scarf, his orange carrot nose, a stylish black top hat and a smile on his face "Snowi" becomes an absolute eye-catcher among his snowman friends. The stainless steel tea-ball has a diameter of approx. 5 cm. It is ideally suited for the infusion of one cup of tea and is particulary easy to open by its small swing stopper. A gift- or take away item for the counter area which is a beautiful addition to each assortment, especially in the wintertime.
You receive each tea-ball in an attractive Cha Cult gift box made from recyclable cardboard.
This winter classic sweetens each christmas holiday. The polyresin charm in candy cane optic is very decorative and an eye-catcher in your pleasantly warm winter punch. The stainless steel tea-ball has a diameter of approx. 5 cm. It is ideally suited for the infusion of one cup of tea and is particularly easy to open by its small swing stopper. A gift- or take away item for the counter area which is a beautiful addition to each assortment.
You receive this tea-ball in an attractive Cha Cult gift box made from recyclable cardboard.
Boule à thé "Paule"
en acier inoxydable avec
breloque en plastique
Ø 5 cm